The Most Powerful Keratin Booster With The Most Advanced Science

More and more people have damaged hair. Hair is made of Keratin. That’s why we developed 24 Kerats® Trichopower™ Science, a professional formula with 24 amino acid peptides able to mimic hair keratin. A very valuable pool of 24 amino acids, bricks that are ready-made and pre-packaged so that the hair can repair damage and draw on during it’s growth to look strong and healthy.

24 Kerats


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Trichopower™ Science

24 KERATS® TRICHOPOWER™ SCIENCE is based on keratin biomimicry, which is the science of mimicking the composition and structure of human keratin but with plant and natural ingredients.

What is Keratin?

Keratin is a protein produced by the human body. It is basically an organic fibrous structure that the body uses to build its filamentous structures; in particular, keratin is the main protein of the hair.

  • Keratin is a very complex protein consisting of 18 amino acids, 17 essential and one derived, Cystine, which is a derivative from the condensation of two cysteines.
  • CYSTEINE, a sulfur amino acid, is the amino acid with the largest relative presence in the keratin fiber (between 16 and 18 percent of the amino acid composition): in absolute terms, therefore, it is not a high percentage, but it is the right balance for the two cysteines to combine in the organized structure and form Cystine, which is the disulfide bonds that gives the structure and strength of the fiber.

How To Mimic The Hair Keratin

Keratin does not have a single shape, but multiple chains arrange themselves slightly differently to form protofibrils first, and microfibrils later.

The arrangement of the fibers determines the structure of the fibrils, surrounded by an amorphous (thus unorganized) keratin matrix, and form the hair’s upper structures: the medulla, the shaft, and the cuticle.

Disulfide bonds, together with salt and hydrophobic bridges, determine what the structure of the keratin will be: whether if it is organized in fibrils or amorphous. We find the amorphous structure mainly in the medulla, but not only, while in the shaft and cuticles we find the protofibrils and microfibrils besides the actual fibrils.

So it is very important to keep in mind that it is not only the amino acids, meaning the building blocks, that form the structure, but also the relative amount of amino acids within the protein, their relative disposition, the relations between one fiber and another, the organization of the superstructure protein itself. Keratin can be organized as a fiber or amorphous, yet the amino acid composition is the same!

That is why it is extremely important to mimic the structure of keratin as much as possible, both in terms of composition, relative percentages, and spatial arrangement.

However, mimicking a protein, which is a complex higher structure, is not as easy, and especially the bioavailability of the already organized amino acids is very low, because they are already chained inside the structure.

A Very Valuable Pool of Animo Acids

Therefore, 24 Kerats® TrichopowerTM Science takes over providing amino acids in a much more


Hydrolysates are small molecules, called oligopeptides and polypeptides, which are fragments of higher structures, namely proteins. The advantage of hydrolysates is that they are small fragments that when combined provide pre-packaged building blocks for the hair, which can be used to form the higher structures needed to repair damages created by physical (example: straightening), chemical (example: color and bleaching treatments) and environmental (climatic factors) stresses.

The 24 Kerats® technology doesn’t stop here: in addition to protein hydrolysates, a very important hair follicle mimetic biopeptide has been selected, which acts directly on the hair bulb for it to grow strong and healthy


The hydrolyzated vegetable proteins chosen for 24 Kerats® are plant protein hydrolysate from SOYBEAN, RICE, AND PEA.

These small structures are a collection of bricks, which are amino acids combined together, like pre-packaged, to be maximally bioavailable for the hair, which means that all of their relative composition and arrangement is very helpful for keratin formation and repair; the relative percentage of amino acids in these hydrolysates is as close as possible to the composition of keratin, thus providing a true plant keratin from which the hair draws as a reserve for its construction.

  • The most representative amino acids in SOY HYDROLYSATE are: Aspartic Acid and Glutamic Acid.
  • The most representative amino acids of RICE HYDROLYSATE are: Threonine, Methionine, Leucine.
  • The most representative amino acids of PEA HYDROLYSATE are: Cysteine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Leucine, Serine, Valine, Threonine, Proline, Glycine, Alanine, Phenylalanine, Isoleucine, Histidine, Tyrosine and Methionine.

A Perfect Combination of 24 Amino Acids

But to cover the full spectrum of amino acids in hair composition, two other amino acids can’t be missing: ARGININE and LYSINE!

And here, the picture is complete: the various oligopeptide and polypeptide chained together cover the entire composition of human keratin, A VERY VALUABLE POOL OF 24 AMINO ACID, bricks that are ready-made and pre-packaged so that the hair can repair damage and draw on during its growth to look strong and healthy.

These pre-packaged bricks have a relative composition and arrangement so that they promote:

  • The formation of keratin protein.
  • The formation of disulfide bonds.
  • The formation of salt and hydrophobic bridges, so that added all together they almost perfectly mimic the upper structure of the protein itself and its various isoforms (the amorphous, the protofibril, the microfibril, the fibril).

Discover Tangible Results

Clinically Tested
Straight Hair
Wavy Hair
Curly Hair
Coily Hair
Straight Hair
Wavy Hair
Curly Hair
Coily Hair
24 Kerats®

The Most Precious For Your Hair

The Origins

24 Kerat's Story
A Scientific Partner By Our Side

The innovative technology behind the 24 Kerats® line was developed with the scientific support of the Poliestetico® di Milano, the Italian Academy of Beauty and Cosmetics, one of the most authoritative Italian realities in the beauty field, and its researchers.

The synergistic fusion between science and cosmetics has made it possible to create a line of products that reaches the absolute summit in the world of haircare, opening a new era.

A Scientific Partner By Our Side